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从吉隆坡到瓜拉登嘉楼大约有459公里,可选择长途巴士抑或德士服务,车程约需6小时,一旦抵达瓜拉登嘉楼巴士总站,可选择转搭德士或 接送巴士前往Taman Tamadun Islam 码头,以登上我们的专属渡轮。
Laguna Redang Island Resort is located at Redang Island which on the East Coast of Malaysia, just 45km off the coast of Terengganu state in Malaysia. It is famous for its crystal clear waters, white powdery sand, and has one of the best coral reef and marine ecosystem. This low-rise resort with 276 spacious rooms and suites is designed as a modern interpretation of traditional Malay architecture, which blends harmoniously with the environment, making it one of the loveliest resorts in the island.